Hydrogen Based Fuel Systems

As the shipping industry sets a course toward net-zero emissions, at Inkster Marine AS we are onboard.

Inkster Marine AS provides full-life-cycle technical and operational support on novel projects where the integration of Hydrogen Fuel Systems within marine applications feature prominently.

Our proven track record with the integration of hazardous systems, safety critical design analysis, cryogenic systems and the commissioning of novel systems within the maritime sector is now being utlised to support the development of hydrogen fueled vessels.

  • Compressed & Liquid Hydrogen Systems
  • Fuel Processing & Handling Systems
  • Bunkering Systems.

Our expertise supports the entire project life-cycle from concept development, regulatory approvals and detailed design support, through to the planning and execution of commissioning.

Our full-cycle approach is based on a risk-based design approach combined with existing prescriptive rule sets where they are available and our learnings across multiple projects give us the opportunity to actively contribute to the discussions around development of prescriptive regulatory frameworks and industry guidance. We do this through participating membership of industry associations and proactive engagement with classification societies and government authorities.